Review. The Rugby Pantry.



The blurb…

After becoming firm ‘foodie friends’ during the 2012 All Blacks end-of-year tour, we launched ‘The Rugby Pantry’ Facebook page. It quickly evolved into a popular site, and The Rugby Pantry cookbook was born.

Home cooking doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming, but meals should have great flavour. Because we are busy wives, mothers, and business-women, we understand that most people have limited time to cook family meals. So our recipes are quick, easy, provide short-cuts and use everyday ingredients.

Our husbands (Israel Dagg and Victor Vito), who have demanding jobs and commanding appetites, have sampled all the recipes and given them the thumbs up. We’ve included a few of their favourites, some recipes passed down from our families and, of course, our own creations.

Amber & Daisy

What I thought…

I’ve followed Daisy and Amber on facebook for ever – I’ve loved their simple approach to good food and I was SUPER excited to be contacted to review their cookbook…not least because it meant that I’d be able to get my hands on a copy!

I love this book! It’s got its fill of classics (cheese and onion scones or afghans anyone?) and plenty of new recipes to try out too…I’m dying to try the sundried tomato salmon next time we’ve got friends around.

I think my favourite thing about the recipes in this book is that they are so achievable…I love in a small town and often I love recipes, but it’s just too hard to gather some of the more obscure ingredients. This book is different and I know that I’ll be referring to it time and time again.

I’m a big cookbook fan – a whole shelf in my pantry (and a fair amount of overflow) is dedicated to book after book, most of which don’t get looked at unless I’m hunting for something in particular, but I just know that ‘The Rugby Pantry’ is going to be sitting front and centre, and be used time after time!


I gave The Rugby Pantry 10/10

Find the girls here:




Twitter: Amber:  Daisy:


(Book supplied by Upstart Press)

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